
1743    (April 13)                   Birth of Thomas Jefferson

1755    (January 11)                Birth of Alexander Hamilton

1757    (Summer)                    Death of TJ’s father, Peter Jefferson                         

1760-62                                               TJ studies at William and Mary College

1766    ( ? )                              James Hamilton deserts his family

1767    (February 12)              TJ begins his legal practice

1768    ( ? )                              Death of AH’s mother, Rachel Levien

1769    (May 8-17)                  TJ enters the House of Burgesses

1772    (January 1)                  TJ marries Martha Wayles Skelton

1772    ( ? )                              AH sails for New York

1773-75                                               AH studies at King’s College

1774    (December)                 Publication of TJ’s A Summary View

1774-75           (Dec-Jan)                     Publication of AH’s A Full Vindication and The Farmer Refuted

1775    (April 19)                    Beginning of the Revolutionary War

1775    (June 20)                     TJ enters the Continental Congress

1776    (March)                                   AH appointed commander of a volunteer artillery company

1776    (March 31)                  Death of TJ’s mother, Jane Randolph Jefferson        

1776    (June 11-28)                TJ drafts the Declaration of Independence

1776    (September)                 TJ leaves Congress and reenters the House of Burgesses

1776-77 (Aug-Jan)                  AH sees action in New York, Trenton, and Princeton

1777    (Sept–Oct)                  AH in combat in the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown

1778    (Jan-May)                    AH at Valley Forge encampment

1778    (June 28)                     AH in combat in the Battle of Monmouth

1779    (June 1)                                   TJ elected governor of Virginia

1780-81 (Dec 31-Jan 6)                      Benedict Arnold raids Virginia and sacks Richmond

1781    (June 4)                                   TJ’s flight from British soldiers at Monticello

1781    (October 14)                AH leads attack on Redoubt No. 10 at Yorktown

1782    (September 6)              Death of TJ’s wife, Martha

1782    (November 25)                        AH enters the Confederation Congress

1783    (Jan-March)                 AH involved in the Newburgh Conspiracy

1783    (November 25)                        TJ enters the Confederation Congress

1784    (August 6)                   TJ arrives in Paris as a US diplomat

1786    (March 11)                  TJ conducts diplomacy and visits John and Abigail Adams in England

1786    (April)                         AH elected to the New York legislature

1786    (August)                                  TJ meets Maria Cosway

1786    (September)                 AH attends the Annapolis Convention

1787    (May-Sept)                  AH intermittently attends Constitutional Convention

1787    (July)                           Sally Hemings arrives in Paris

1787    (Oct-Dec)                    TJ and Maria Cosway together for the final time in Paris 

1789    (October 22)                TJ’s family, together with Sally and James Hemings, sail for Virginia

1790    (January 14)                AH submits his Report on the Public Credit

1790    (February 14)              TJ accepts appointment as Secretary of State

1790    (July)                           Congress approves funding, assumption, and the Residence Act

1790    (December 13)                        AH proposes an excise on spirits and creation of a National Bank

1791    (February)                   AH and TJ clash on constitutionality of the Bank; GW signs the bill

1791    (May 17-June 19)                    TJ and James Madison undertake the “botanizing tour”

1791    (June)                          AH begins affair with Maria Reynolds

1791    (October)                     The National Gazette begins publication

1792    (December)                 Muhlenberg, Monroe, and Venable absolve AH of illegal conduct

1793    (April 22)                    Washington proclaims American neutrality

1793    (September 5)              AH falls ill with yellow fever

1793    (December 31)                        TJ resigns as Secretary of State

1794    (October 4)                  AH joins the army to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennysylvania

1795    (January 31)                AH resigns as Secretary of the Treasury

1795    (July)                           AH speaks and writes in defense of the Jay Treaty

1796    (May 16-July 5)                       AH drafts Washington’s Farewell Address

1796    (December)                 TJ elected Vice President of the United States

1797    (May)                          Adams appoints three commissioners to negotiate with France

1798    (March-April)              Adams and Congress learn of the “XYX Affair”

1798    (June 18-July 14)                     Congress enacts the Alien and Sedition Acts

1798    (July 18)                                  Adams nominates AH to be Inspector General of the New Army

1800    May 5-10)                   Adams dismisses McHenry and Pickering from his cabinet

1800    (October 24)                Publication of AH’s Letter . . . Concerning … Character of John Adams

1801    (Feb 11-17)                 The House decides the Election of 1800

1801    (March 4)                    TJ’s Inauguration as President of the United States

1804    (July 11-12)                 AH’s duel with Burr and death on the following day

1809    (March 11)                  TJ retires to Monticello following second term as president

1826    (July 4)                                    Death of TJ (and John Adams)